var arrIngredients = new Array(); var arrIngredientsNames = new Array(); // var strSiteURL = "http://localhost/"; var strSiteURL = ""; function getURLParamValue( strParamName, blnValueOnly ) { if(blnValueOnly) intReturnType = 1; //setting this to 1 returns only the value of the param else intReturnType = 0; //setting this to 0 returns the param and value var strRegex = "[\\?&]"+strParamName+"=([^&#]*)"; var objRegex = new RegExp( strRegex ); var results = objRegex.exec( location.href ); if( results == null ) return ''; else return results[intReturnType]; } //will take a url and replace the current value of a param, or it will just add the param if new function replaceURLParamValue(strURL, strParamName, strParamValue) { strURLParam = getURLParamValue(strParamName, false); strSeperator = ''; if(strURLParam == '') { if(strURL.indexOf('&') < 0) strSeperator = '?'; else strSeperator = '&'; strNewURL = strURL + strSeperator + strParamName + '=' + strParamValue; } else { if(strURLParam.charAt(0)=='?') { strSeperator = '?'; } strURLParam = strURLParam.replace('&', ''); strNewURL = strURL.replace(strURLParam, strSeperator+strParamName + '=' + strParamValue) } return strNewURL; } /* * Desc: Function fills all the specified selection fields with specified values on the page * Return: none */ function fillSelections( strForm, objSelects ) { var objForm = document.getElementById( strForm ); for (var i in objSelects) { if(objSelects[i] != '') { //&& parseInt(objSelects[i], 10) != 0 objForm.elements[i].value = objSelects[i]; } } } function loadPage( intPage, strPageURL , strParams, blnAjax, strInto ) { var strURL = ''; strPageURL = strPageURL.slice(1); if( getURLParamValue('intPage') == '' ) { if(strParams!='') strParams = strParams+'&'; strURL += strSiteURL+strPageURL + '?' + strParams + 'intPage=' + intPage; } else { strURL += strSiteURL+strPageURL + '?' + strParams.replace(getURLParamValue('intPage').replace('?', ''), '&intPage=' + intPage); } //if( strURL != strVisitedURL ){ if( blnAjax ) //alert(strURL); AjaxRequest( strURL, strInto, default_handle ); else location.href = strURL; //} strVisitedURL = strURL; } function notLoggedIn() { strTitle='You Must Login.'; strContent='You must Login to perform that action.'; //PENDING, add a login here... showShadowBox(strTitle, strContent); } function IsNumeric(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789."; var IsNumber=true; var Char; for (i = 0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } function formatItem(row) { arrInfo = new Array(); arrInfo = row[1].split('_'); //arrInfo[0] - strDrinkURL ... arrInfo[1] - strCategory strReturn = ''; strReturn += '' + row[0] + '
'; strReturn += '
Drink contains keyword '+objTextSearch.value+'
'; strReturn += '
'; return strReturn; } function formatItemIngredient(row) { arrInfo = new Array(); //arrInfo = row[1].split('_'); //arrInfo[0] - strDrinkURL ... arrInfo[1] - strCategory strReturn = ''; strReturn += '' + row[0] + '
'; strReturn += '
'; return strReturn; } function findValue(li) { if( li == null ) return alert("No match!"); // if coming from an AJAX call, let's use the CityId as the value if( !!li.extra ) var sValue = li.extra[0]; // otherwise, let's just display the value in the text box else var sValue = li.selectValue; alert("The value you selected was: " + sValue); } function selectItem(li) { arrInfo = li.extra[0].split('_'); //arrInfo[0] - strDrinkURL ... arrInfo[1] - strCategory window.location.href = strSiteURL+arrInfo[1]+'/' + arrInfo[0]; } function selectItemIngredient(itemName, itemId) { //arrInfo = li.extra[0].split('_'); //alert('Picked!'); //window.location.href = strSiteURL+arrInfo[1]+'/' + arrInfo[0]; addIngredientWithResults((itemName).stripslashes(), itemId); } function lookupAjax(){ var oSuggest = $("#txtJokeSearch")[0].autocompleter; oSuggest.findValue(); return false; } function lookupLocal(){ var oSuggest = $("#CityLocal")[0].autocompleter; oSuggest.findValue(); return false; } function showMoreCategory() { document.getElementById('hiddenMore').style.display = 'block'; } function hideMoreCategory() { document.getElementById('hiddenMore').style.display = 'none'; } function selectSearchTextBox(objThis) { if(objThis.value == 'Enter drink here...') objThis.value='' } function outSearchTextBox(objThis) { if(objThis.value == '') objThis.value='Enter drink here...' } function selectIngredientTextBox(objThis) { if(objThis.value == '') objThis.value='' } function outIngredientTextBox(objThis) { if(objThis.value == '') objThis.value='' } function searchDrink() { if( objTextSearch.value == 'Enter drink here...' ) objTextSearch.focus(); else window.location.href=strSiteURL+"search.php?strDrinkName="+objTextSearch.value; } function addIngredient(strIngredientName, intIngredientId) { if(!arrIngredients.in_array(intIngredientId)) { objSelectedIngredients = document.getElementById('selectedIngredients'); objResultsDrinks = document.getElementById('resultsDrinks'); objStrSearchIngredient = document.getElementById('strSearchIngredient'); var objNewIngredient = document.createElement('div'); objNewIngredient.setAttribute('id', 'ingredient_'+intIngredientId); svgMinus = ''; strIngredient = strIngredientName + '' + svgMinus + ''; objNewIngredient.innerHTML = '
' + strIngredient + '
'; objResultsDrinks.innerHTML = 'Loading...'; if(objSelectedIngredients.innerHTML == 'No Ingredients Selected.') { objSelectedIngredients.innerHTML = ''; } objSelectedIngredients.appendChild(objNewIngredient); objStrSearchIngredient.value = ''; arrIngredients.push(intIngredientId);//add ingredient id to js array arrIngredientsNames.push(strIngredientName); } } function addIngredientWithResults(strIngredientName, intIngredientId) { addIngredient(strIngredientName, intIngredientId); getResults(); } function getResults() { strIngredients=arrIngredients.join(','); // move array to string strIngredientsNames=arrIngredientsNames.join(','); if (strIngredients === '' || strIngredientsNames === '') { return; } AjaxRequest(strSiteURL+'ajaxUpdateIngredientsResults.php?strIngredients='+strIngredients+'&strIngredientsNames='+strIngredientsNames, 'resultsDrinks', default_handle); } function removeIngredient(strIngredientName, intIngredientId) { var d = document.getElementById('selectedIngredients'); var olddiv = document.getElementById('ingredient_'+intIngredientId); objResultsDrinks = document.getElementById('resultsDrinks'); d.removeChild(olddiv); removeItems(arrIngredients, intIngredientId); removeItems(arrIngredientsNames, strIngredientName); strIngredients=arrIngredients.join(','); // move array to string strIngredientsNames = arrIngredientsNames.join(','); objResultsDrinks.innerHTML = 'Loading...'; AjaxRequest(strSiteURL+'ajaxUpdateIngredientsResults.php?strIngredients='+strIngredients+'&strIngredientsNames='+strIngredientsNames, 'resultsDrinks', default_handle); } function selectedIngredientCategory() { objStrSelectIngredientCategory = document.getElementById('strSelectIngredientCategory'); objSelectIngredientsResults = document.getElementById('selectIngredientsResults'); strCategory = objStrSelectIngredientCategory.value; objSelectIngredientsResults.innerHTML = 'Loading...'; AjaxRequest(strSiteURL+'ajaxSearchIngredientCategory.php?strCategory='+strCategory, 'selectIngredientsResults', default_handle); } function selectOrderBy() { strURL = window.location.href; strParamValue = document.getElementById('strOrderBy').value; strNewURL = replaceURLParamValue(strURL, 'strOrderBy', strParamValue); strNewURL = strNewURL.replace(/&/g, '...'); window.location.href =strSiteURL+ 'process_drink.php?strProcessType=8&strOrderBy='+strParamValue+'&strURL='+strNewURL; } function removeItems(array, item) { var i = 0; while (i < array.length) { if (array[i] == item) { array.splice(i, 1); } else { i++; } } return array; } Array.prototype.in_array = function(p_val) { for(var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if(this[i] == p_val) { return true; } } return false; } String.prototype.stripslashes = function () { str=this.replace("'", ""); str=str.replace('"', ''); return str; } function getElementPosition( objThis ) { var intPosLeft = intPosTop = 0; if(objThis) { if(objThis.offsetParent) { do { intPosLeft += objThis.offsetLeft; intPosTop += objThis.offsetTop; //alert( +'|''|'+objThis.className + '|' + intPosTop); } while (objThis = objThis.offsetParent); } //browser hacks.. this basically gets the positions on the same level for each browser. if( BrowserDetect.browser==SA ){ intPosTop += 4; } else if(BrowserDetect.browser==IE && BrowserDetect.version == 6) { //intPosTop -= 22; } return [intPosLeft, intPosTop]; } return false; } function showToolTip( objThis, strCaption, blnFlipped ) { blnAnimation = false; if(blnAnimation == false) { arrPosition = getElementPosition( objThis ); //alert(arrPosition[0] + '|' + arrPosition[1]); intPosLeft = arrPosition[0]-2; intPosTop = arrPosition[1] - 26; //alert(intPosLeft + ' | ' + intPosTop); intCaptionLength = strCaption.length; objToolTip = document.getElementById('tooltip'); objToolTipInfo = document.getElementById('tooltip_info'); objToolTipArrow = document.getElementById('tooltip_arrow'); objToolTip.className = 'vYes'; objToolTipArrow.className = 'tooltip'; = intPosLeft+ 'px'; = intPosTop+ 'px'; objToolTip.className = ''; objToolTipInfo.innerHTML = strCaption; if( blnFlipped ){ = (intCaptionLength * 7) + 'px'; =; //(intCaptionLength * 7) + 'px'; intFlippedPosition = ( intPosLeft - objToolTip.offsetWidth + objThis.offsetWidth ) + 'px'; = intFlippedPosition; = 'top right'; // Doesn't work using CSS class } else { = 'top left'; // Things get weird if this isn't explicitly set } } } function showDrinkToolHelp(objThis) { strCaption = 'Find drinks based on your Ingredients:
'; strCaption += 'Step 1:
'; strCaption += 'Add what ingredients you have by searching through categories or entered the ingredient name.
'; strCaption += 'Step 2:
'; strCaption += 'View/Edit the ingredients you have added.
'; strCaption += 'Step 3:
'; strCaption += 'See the possible drinks you can make with your ingredients and view the recipes.
'; showToolTip( objThis, strCaption, false ) } function showDrinkSearchHelp(objThis) { strCaption = 'Start typing in the name of your favourite drink and a list of suggested drinks will appear.'; showToolTip( objThis, strCaption, false ) } function hideToolTip( ) { objToolTip = document.getElementById('tooltip'); objToolTip.className = 'vNo'; }